2006 Ph.D., Biostatistics, University of Washington.
Thesis: Inference for optimal dynamic treatment regimes
Supervised by Thomas Richardson.
2004 M.Sc., Biostatistics, University of Washington.
2001 M.Phil., Epidemiology, University of Cambridge, UK.
Thesis: Modelling techniques for missing data: Intensive case-management
versus standard case-management for severe psychosis.
Supervised by Ian White.
2000 B.A. Mathematics and Statistics, University of Winnipeg.
Select roles
President Elect, President, Past President of the Statistical Society of Canada (2023-2026)
Director of the StatLab of the Centre de Recherches Mathematiques (2020-2023)
Scientific Program Chair for the Statistical Society of Canada Annual Meeting, June 11-14, 2017
Associate Director (Quebec) of the Canadian Statistical Sciences Institute (CANSSI, 2015-2018)
Co-chair, Causal Inference Topic Group for STRengthening Analytical Thinking for Observational Studies (STRATOS), an initiative launched by the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics to improve analyses of observational data (2013-2016)
Canada Research Chair, Tier 1 (2021- )
FRQS Chercheuse de merite (2021-2025)
CRM-SSC Prize in Statistics (2020)
Principal's Prize for Outstanding Emerging Researcher (2018)
EBOH Excellence in Mentoring Award (2017, 2019) and EPIB Teaching Award (2021)
William Dawson Scholar, McGill University (2015-2021)
Elected Member, International Statistical Institute (2015)
Editorial positions
Co-Editor, Biometrics (2023-2025)​
Statistical Editor, Journal of Infectious Diseases (2020-present)
Associate Editor, Biometrics (2013-2023)​
Associate Editor, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Theory & Methods (2014-2019)
Associate Editor, Journal of Causal Inference (2011-2013)
Associate Editor, International Journal of Biostatistics (2009-2013)

My favourite things
I grew up in Winnipeg and spent summers at Lake Winnipeg, sailing and teaching at the Gimli Yacht Club. My favourite people include my two boys (above), my husband (Dave Stephens), my parents (Pat & Ric Moodie), and my sister and her family (Zoe & Jon Wakefield).
Texts by these favourite people include:
Applied Regression and ANOVA Using SAS, PF Moodie & DE Johnson
Bayesian and Frequentist Regression Methods, JC Wakefield